Welcome, Good Dad in the making!

Here, you’ll find tools to be a Good Dad. 🧰

No toxic masculinity allowed.


Being a good dad is not about being perfect. It’s about being curious and taking small steps toward the man you want to be.

- KB Nau

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Hi, I’m KB!

My life journey has been a rollercoaster ride. I grew up in coastal New England and joined the military, but I soon realized it wasn't for me. After returning home, I pursued a career in acting in NYC for over 20 years, but the constant rejection and a failed marriage took a toll on my mental health. After hitting rock bottom, I decided to take charge of my path and enrolled in a nutrition school to become a Certified Holistic Health Coach. Today, I'm the father of two amazing kids, Zoë and Phoenix, and I run Good Dad Talks to share my learnings and passions about being a healthy-ish dad over 50.


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